More troff bits; if you want them elsewhere, feel free to repo copy them.

This commit is contained in:
wkj 2004-05-17 03:22:35 +00:00
parent a7eb134e87
commit aa83d77271
22 changed files with 670 additions and 1 deletions

bin/tref Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
awk '
print ".nr Rp 1" # supress ... Rx lines
#these come first
$1=="..." && $2=="Rx"{
ref[$4] = $3
first {
printf(".lf %d %s\n", 1, inputfile)
if($2 in ref)
printf("tref: %s:%d: no ref for %s\n",
inputfile, NR-lineoffset, $2) >"/dev/stderr"
' $*

src/cmd/index/README Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
The indexing programs here are modified from the versions printed in
Bentley & Kernighan, EP-ODD V1 #1. The programs are also described in
AT&T Bell Laboratories Computing Science Technical Report No. 128,
``Tools for Printing Indexes''.
Changes from the published version derive from further experience
after the paper was frozen, plus some cleanup and corrections by Joe
Kruskal (to whom many thanks), plus some very local features for
printing the AMPL book.
makes the appropriate files executable. since this file
is not executable, use by typing "sh <install"
these two files provide test input. make.index produces
standard output and files
foo[1-9] foo.regular foo.see foo.hier foo.all
from ix.test and see.terms. to make sure things
work when you first unbundle this file, type
sh <install
make.index ix.test >foo.ix
troff -ms foo.ix >foo.out
and then examine the troff output foo.out
removes the garbage files left around for debugging
handles "see" file see.terms. A line like
algorithms<tab>searching, sorting
generates in the final index
algorithms see searching, sorting
a 3rd field of %also makes it
algorithms see also searching, sorting
minor change to defend against bug in some versions of "sort"
moved here (and changed as necessary) to remove subtle bug.
see below
-u option on sort removes duplicate entries on same page
page number concatenation removed from here ...
and moved to here. also commas between numbers now
inserted here (to make see terms easier)
literals protected differently in gsub commands.
rules for non-alpha index terms slightly richer:
purely nonalphabetic lines first
lines with leading digits next
ordinary lines last
changed to match changes above, and to rely on font-changing {}
uses -d option for "telephone directory" order.
a rather special purpose version to replace runs of items
with a common one or two word prefix and replace them by
a head word and indented lines.
this also does some rearrangement to bring see terms to the top,
and terms with formatting info to the bottom; this is not
always the right thing to do.
letter changes (.YY) determined by first letter.
minor rearrangement of how output line is created.
commas no longer added here.
[Some systems have a disk-formatting program called format.]
new program that catches subtle errors in the data

src/cmd/index/cleanup Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
rm foo[1-9] foo.*

src/cmd/index/deroman Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
awk ' # deroman
# Input: string (tab) [arab or roman]
# Output: string (tab) [arab]
# Roman numeral n is replaced by arab n-1000 (e.g., iii -> -997)
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t"
# set a["i"] = 1, a["ii"] = 2, ...
s = "i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x"
s = s " xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx"
s = s " xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx"
n = split(s, b, " ")
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) a[b[i]] = i
$2~/^[ivxlc]+$/ { if ($2 in a) $2 = -1000 + a[$2]
else print "deroman: bad number: " $0 | "cat 1>&2"
{ print }
' $*

src/cmd/index/doclean Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
awk ' # doclean
# Input: "number tab IX string
# 107 IX self-reference #1186 -
# 281 TL APPENDIX A AMPL Reference Manual #26 -
# Output: string (tab) number
# excess spaces are removed output string
# note reversal of order; rest of programs expect it
# This contains some special pleading for the AMPL book
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
/\t(TL|H1|H2|H3|LASTPAGE)/ { next } # zap expected noise
$0 !~ /[0-9ixv]+\tIX / {
print "doclean: non index line: " $0 | "cat 1>&2"; next
{ sub(/IX +/, "", $2) # zap "IX "
sub(/ +#[0-9]+ .*$/, "", $2) # zap trailing blanks, slug, file
gsub(/ +/, " ", $2) # compress internal blanks
print $2, $1 # item (tab) page number
' $*

src/cmd/index/final.sort Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# final.sort
# Input/Output: sort key (tab) string (tab) numlist
# Sort by $1 (string)
sort -t' ' +0fd -1 +0f -1 $*

src/cmd/index/format Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
awk ' # format
# Input: sort key (tab) string (tab) numlist
# Output: troff format, commands interpreted
BEGIN { FS = "\t"
s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "
# set upper["a"] = "A"
for (i = 1; i <= 27; i++) upper[substr(s,i+27,1)] = substr(s,i,1)
# set lower["a"] = lower["A"] ="a"
for (i = 1; i <= 27; i++) {
lower[substr(s,i,1)] = substr(s,i+27,1)
lower[substr(s,i+27,1)] = substr(s,i+27,1)
{ # mark change between letters with .YY
# find first non-punctuation char
for (i = 1; (c = substr($1,i,1)) != ""; i++)
if (c ~ /[a-zA-Z0-9 ]/)
this = c
if (!(this in lower)) lower[this] = " "
this = lower[this]
if (this != last) # && this != " ")
print ".YY", this, upper[last=this]
quoted = 0
# interpret font change language
if ($2 ~ /^ /) # different macro, to avoid bad breaks in hier
print ".ZZ"
print ".XX"
if (NF == 3)
$0 = $2 "," " " $3 # discard sort key, leave term .. numlist
$0 = $2
if ($0 ~ /%/) {
quoted = 1
gsub(/%%/, "QQ0QQ", $0)
gsub(/%\[/, "QQ1QQ", $0)
gsub(/%\]/, "QQ2QQ", $0)
gsub(/%\{/, "QQ3QQ", $0)
gsub(/%\}/, "QQ4QQ", $0)
gsub(/%~/, "QQ5QQ", $0)
gsub(/%e/, "\\e", $0) # %e -> \e
gsub(/~/, " ", $0) # unpaddable spaces go away at last
if (gsub(/\[/, "\\\\&\\f(CW", $0))
gsub(/\]/, "\\fP", $0)
if (gsub(/\{/, "\\f2", $0))
gsub(/\}/, "\\fP", $0)
if (quoted) {
gsub(/%/, "", $0)
gsub(/QQ0QQ/, "%", $0)
gsub(/QQ1QQ/, "[", $0)
gsub(/QQ2QQ/, "]", $0)
gsub(/QQ3QQ/, "{", $0)
gsub(/QQ4QQ/, "}", $0)
gsub(/QQ5QQ/, "~", $0)
printf "\\&%s\n", $0
' $*

src/cmd/index/gen.key Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
awk ' # gen.key
# Input: Each input line has one of the following two forms:
# string (tab) numlist
# string " %key " sort.key (tab) numlist
# Output: Each output line has the form:
# sort.key (tab) string (tab) numlist
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
/ %key / { # use sort.key if it is provided
i = index($1, " %key ")
print substr($1, i+6), substr($1, 1, i-1), $2
{ # generate sort.key (in $2, by modifying string) if it is not provided
$3 = $2
$2 = $1
#Modify sort.key
# Remove some troff commands
gsub(/\\f\(..|\\f.|\\s[+-][0-9]|\\s[0-9][0-9]?/, "", $2)
# underscore -> 0, so "foo_gorp" sorts before "food"
gsub(/_/, "0", $2)
# quote character is %, space character is ~
quoted = 0
if ($2 ~ /%/) { # hide quoted literals in Q
quoted = 1
gsub(/%%/, "QQ0QQ", $2)
gsub(/%\[/, "QQ1QQ", $2)
gsub(/%\]/, "QQ2QQ", $2)
gsub(/%\{/, "QQ3QQ", $2)
gsub(/%\}/, "QQ4QQ", $2)
gsub(/%~/, "QQ5QQ", $2)
gsub(/%e/, "\\", $2) # implement troff escape
gsub(/~/, " ", $2) # remove tildes
gsub(/[%\[\]\{\}]/, "", $2) # remove % and font-changing []{}
if (quoted) { # restore literals but without escape charcter
gsub(/QQ0QQ/, "%", $2)
gsub(/QQ1QQ/, "[", $2)
gsub(/QQ2QQ/, "]", $2)
gsub(/QQ3QQ/, "{", $2)
gsub(/QQ4QQ/, "}", $2)
gsub(/QQ5QQ/, "~", $2)
if ($2 ~ /^[^a-zA-Z]+$/) # purely nonalphabetic lines go first
$2 = " " $2
else if ($2 ~ /^[0-9]/) # lines with eading digits come next
$2 = " " $2
# otherwise whatever final.sort does
{ print $2, $1, $3 }
' $*

src/cmd/index/hierarchy Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
# input:
# key (tab) string (tab) page numbers
# command command 123
# command, data command, [data] 11
# command, display command, [display] 11, 54, 63, 75
# command, model command, [model] 11
# command, quit command, [quit] 5, 16
# output:
# key (tab) string (tab) page numbers
# key command 123
# key [data] 11
# key [display] ...
# key [model] ...
# key [quit] ...
awk '
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
{ line[NR] = $0; x[NR] = $2 "\t" $3; y[NR] = $1 }
# find a sequence that have the same prefix
# dump prefix, then each instance with spaces instead of prefix
for (i = 1; i <= NR; i = j+1) {
j = findrun(i) # returns last elem of run
if (j > i)
printrun(i, j)
print y[i], x[i]
function findrun(s, j, p, np) { # find y[s],y[s+1]... with same prefix
p = prefix(y[s])
np = length(p)
for (j = s+1; j <= NR; j++) {
if (y[j] == p) # same, so include
if (index(y[j], p) != 1) # no match
c = substr(y[j], np+1, 1)
if (c != " " && c != ",") # has to be whole word prefix
return j-1
function prefix(s, n) { # find 1st word of s: same sort key, minus ,
gsub(/,/, "", s)
n = index(s, " ")
if (n > 0)
return substr(s, 1, n-1)
return s
function printrun(s, e, i) { # move [...] to end, "see" to front
s1 = 0; e1 = 0; p1 = 0; i1 = 0
for (i = s; i <= e; i++) {
if (x[i] ~ /{see/) { # see, see also
sx[s1] = x[i]
sy[s1] = y[i]
} else if (x[i] ~ /^\[/) { # prefix word is [...]
px[p1] = x[i]
py[p1] = y[i]
} else if (x[i] ~ /\[.*\]/) { # [...] somewhere else
ex[e1] = x[i]
ey[e1] = y[i]
} else { # none of the above
ix[i1] = x[i]
iy[i1] = y[i]
if (e-s+1 != s1 + p1 + i1 + e1) print "oh shit" >"/dev/stderr"
for (i = 0; i < s1; i++) # "see", one/line
print sy[i], sx[i]
if (i1 > 1)
printgroup(ix,iy,0,i1) # non [...] items
else if (i1 == 1)
print iy[0], ix[0]
if (e1 > 1)
printgroup(ex,ey,0,e1) # prefix [...] items
else if (e1 == 1)
print ey[0], ex[0]
# for (i = 0; i < p1; i++) # [prefix] ... items
# print py[i], px[i]
if (p1 > 1)
printgroup(px,py,0,p1) # [prefix] ... items
else if (p1 == 1)
print py[0], px[0]
function printgroup(x, y, s, e, i, j) {
split(x[s], f23)
if (split(f23[1], temp, " ") > 1) {
pfx = temp[1] " " temp[2] # 2-word prefix
for (i = s+1; i < e; i++) {
if (index(x[i], pfx) != 1)
c = substr(x[i], length(pfx)+1, 1)
if (c != " " && c != ",") # has to be whole word prefix
if (i == e) {
# print "got a run with", pfx
sub(/ /, "@", f23[1])
for (i = s; i < e; i++)
sub(/ /, "@", x[i]) # take @ out later
n = sub(/,?[ ~]+.*/, "", f23[1]) # zap rest of line
sub(/,$/, "", f23[1])
if (n > 0) { # some change, so not a single word
sub(/@/, " ", f23[1])
print y[s], f23[1] # print main entry
for (j = s; j < e; j++) {
split(x[j], f23)
sub(/^[^, ]+[, ]+/, " ", f23[1])
sub(/@/, " ", f23[1])
print y[s], f23[1], f23[2]
' $*

src/cmd/index/install Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
chmod +x cleanup deroman doclean final.sort format \
gen.key hierarchy make.index num.collapse range.collapse \
range.prep range.sort reroman rotate see.prep

src/cmd/index/ix.macro Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
.de ix
.ie '\\n(.z'' .tm ix: \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9 \\n%
.el \\!.ix \\$1 \\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7 \\$8 \\$9

src/cmd/index/ix.test Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
ix: line 1
ix: line 2
ix: line 2
ix: line 3
ix: %begin line 11
ix: line 15
ix: %end line 19
ix: \f(CWps\fP \f(CW-a\fP 34
ix: \f(CWps\fP command 34
ix: \f(CWPS1\fP shell variable 36
ix: sorting~a book~index 25
ix: [pr]~[-]{n} command 31
ix: [%[^]...[%]] regular~expression 32
ix: [printf] [%%d] specification 35
ix: T\v'.17m'\h'-.12m'E\h'-.12m'\v'-.17m'X %key TEX 40
ix: CONTENTS 7 Input and Output
ix: [%~] tilde 41

src/cmd/index/make.index Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#!/bin/sh $*
doclean $* >foo1
deroman foo1 >foo2
range.prep foo2 >foo3
rotate foo3 >foo4
range.sort foo4 >foo5
range.collapse foo5 >foo6
reroman foo6 >foo7
num.collapse foo7 >foo8
gen.key foo8 >foo9
see.prep see.terms | gen.key >foo.see
final.sort foo9 foo.see >foo.regular
hierarchy foo.regular >foo.hier
format foo.hier >foo.all
cat foo.all

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
awk ' # num.collapse
# Input: lines of form: string (tab) num1 [(space) num2]
# Output: lines of form: string (tab) fancy.num.list
# fancy.num.list contains items, separated by ", ", of form: num or num-num
# Sequence of input lines with same value of string is combined
# into a single output line. Each input line contributes either
# num or num-num to output line.
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
{ sub(/ /, "\\(en", $2) } # use - if there is no en dash
$1 != p { p = $1
if (NR > 1) printf "\n"
printf "%s\t%s", $1, $2
{ printf ", %s", $2 }
END { if (NR > 0) printf "\n" }
' $*

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
awk ' # range.collapse
# Input: lines of form: string (tab) ["b"|"e"|"a"] (tab) number
# Output: lines of form: string (tab) num [(space) num]
# In sequence of lines with same value of string:
# b line and following e line are combined into single line:
# string (tab) num num
# a line disappears if between paired b and e
# a line otherwise becomes single line:
# string (tab) num
function error(s) {
print "range.collapse: " s " near pp " rlo "-" rhi | "cat 1>&2"
function printoldrange() {
if (range == 1) { error("no %end for " term); rhi = "XXX" }
if (NR > 1) {
if (rlo == rhi)
print term, rlo
print term, (rlo " " rhi)
rlo = rhi = $3 # bounds of current range
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
$1 != term { printoldrange(); term = $1; range = 0 }
$2 == "e" { if (range == 1) { range = 0; rhi = $3 }
else { printoldrange(); error("no %begin for " term); rlo = "XXX" }
$3 <= rhi + 1 { rhi = $3}
$3 > rhi + 1 { if (range == 0) printoldrange() }
$2 == "b" { if (range == 1) error("multiple %begin for " term); range = 1 }
END { if (NR == 1) NR = 2; printoldrange() }
' $*

src/cmd/index/range.prep Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
awk ' # range.prep
# Input: ["%begin"|"%end"|""] string (tab) number
# Output: string (tab) ["b"|"e"|"a"] (tab) number
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
{ f2 = "a" }
$1 ~ /^%begin/ { f2 = "b"; sub(/^%begin */, "", $1) }
$1 ~ /^%end/ { f2 = "e"; sub(/^%end */, "", $1) }
{ print $1, f2, $2 }
' $*

src/cmd/index/range.sort Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# range.sort
# Input/Output: string (tab) ["b"|"e"|"a"] (tab) number
# Sort by $1 (string), $3 (number), then $2 ("b"|"e"|"a")
sort -u '-t ' +0 -1 +2n +1 -2 $*

src/cmd/index/reroman Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
awk ' # reroman
# Output: string (tab) arab1 [(space) arab2]
# Input: string (tab) arab1 or roman1 [(space) arab2 or roman2]
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t"
# set a[1] = "i", a[2] = "ii", ...
s = "i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x"
s = s " xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx"
s = s " xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx"
split(s, a, " ")
$2 < 0 { n = split($2, b, " ")
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (b[i] >= 0) continue
j = 1000 + b[i]
if (j in a) b[i] = a[j]
else print "reroman: bad number: " $0 | "cat 1>&2"
$2 = b[1]
if (n > 1) $2 = b[1] " " b[2]
{ print }
' $*

src/cmd/index/rotate Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
awk ' # rotate
# Input line: string (tab) ["b"|"e"|"a"] (tab) number
# Output several lines:
# string (tab) ["b"|"e"|"a"] (tab) number
# rotated string (tab) ["b"|"e"|"a"] (tab) number
# rotated string (tab) ["b"|"e"|"a"] (tab) number
# ...
# In the output strings, tildes are replaced by spaces
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" }
/ %key / { # if explicit sort.key is provided, do not rotate
print $0
t1 = $1 #t1 will be $1 with tildes changed to spaces
gsub(/%~/, "QQ5QQ", t1) #hide real tildes
gsub(/~/, " ", t1) #change tildes to spaces
gsub(/QQ5QQ/, "%~", t1) #restore real tildes
print t1, $2, $3
i = 1
while ((j = index(substr($1, i+1), " ")) > 0) {
i += j
printf("%s, %s\t%s\t%s\n", \
substr(t1, i+1), substr(t1, 1, i-1), $2, $3)
' $*

src/cmd/index/see.prep Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
awk ' # see.prep
# Input: string "\t" string
# Output: string "\t{see [also]} " string
BEGIN { FS = "\t" }
$3 ~ /%also/ { print $1 "\t{see also} " $2; next }
{ print $1 "\t{see} " $2 }
' $*

src/cmd/index/see.terms Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
soft constraints penalty function
[>>> <<<] error messages
omitted data value default symbol
data value, omitted default symbol
["].\|.\|.["], ['].\|.\|.['] quotes
[..] arithmetic progression
[=] attribute defined variables
[.body] constraint body
built-in function function
Cartesian product cross product
conditional expression logical expression, [if]-[then]-[else]
conditional declaration [if] indexing expression
[.dat] file file
[.dual] dual value
Lagrange multiplier dual variables
index dummy index
iterated operator operator
comparison operators relational operators
[maximize] objective declaration
[minimize] objective declaration
model file file
[.mod] file file
price, shadow dual value
problem model %also
[.rc] reduced cost
data reset [reset] [data] command
scaling along arc loss in network flow
scope dummy index %also
set of sets indexed collection
shadow price dual value
marginal~value dual value
simplification of expression presolve %also
starting guess initial values of variables
[subject] [to] constraint declaration
[s.t.] constraint declaration
symmetric difference [symdiff]
set difference [diff], [symdiff]
syntax error error messages
messages error messages
space requirement memory use
viewing data [display] command
[;] semicolon statement terminator
array one-dimensional set, parameter
vector one-dimensional set, parameter
matrix two-dimensional set, parameter
command mode model mode
[>], [>>] output to file
redirection output to file
qualified name [.] suffix
member, dummy dummy index
membership test [in], [within]
subset test [in], [within]
such-that condition logical condition
set intersection [inter]
intersection, set [inter]
slope piecewise-linear expression
breakpoint piecewise-linear expression
command statement %also
statement command, declaration %also
declaration statement %also
traffic flow maximum flow model
flow network flow
roll trim problem cutting-stock problem
argument command-line argument
zero-one programming integer programming
reading files [model], [data]
file inclusion [model], [data]
[include] [model], [data] %also
transposition table transposition

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ SHORTLIB=sec fs mux regexp9 thread bio 9
DIRS=`ls -l |sed -n 's/^d.* //p' |egrep -v "^($BUGGERED)$"`